
One Thing is Certain: The Blessed Hope

Whenever a new year comes upon us, many of us take a step back and wonder, What lays ahead for me in this new year?

Will worldwide wars and conflict continue and/or escalate?

Will the tax structure in my country be changed?

Will my benefits be modified?

Will the moral fiber of my country continue to unravel?

Will there be any major national or international catastrophes?

Will there be problems in my church?

Will my children bring me joy or sorrow?

Will my finances be sufficient for my needs?

Will my marriage be strong or will my spouse and I struggle?

Will my health deteriorate from disease or aging?

There are so many questions with so few answers. But, in this uncertain world, you can be certain of this: Believers in Christ are citizens of Heaven and, therefore, have a blessed hope.

The Word of God calls it a hope, not because there is any speculation or uncertainty about the blessed hope, but because its actualization is still in the future. The believer's blessed hope is certain, and the blessed hope is this: Jesus is coming again! There are numerous stupendous events associated with Jesus's second coming.

First, Jesus is coming again, and living believers will be raptured.

Second, Jesus is coming again, and those who have died in Christ through the ages will be resurrected to meet the Lord in the clouds.

Third, Jesus is coming again, and those who have rejected His grace, spurned His love, and refused His mercy will become sinners in the hands of an angry God.

Fourth, Jesus is coming again, and the curse on the Earth as a result of the fall of Adam and Eve will be lifted. There will be no sickness, war, disease, or death. Righteousness, justice, and peace will become a reality in the Earth, and every human being will sit under their own fig tree – satisfied, fulfilled, and contented.

This is a reality, not a cistern which holds no water or a cloud which provides no rain.

The familiar clich√©, I don't know what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future, is rightly intended to be encouraging, and it is. However, in a certain sense, it is not completely accurate. We do know what the future holds – at least the last phase of the future. The Lord has revealed it to us in His Word. Light will defeat darkness; life will defeat death; Christ will defeat the Antichrist; God will defeat Satan.

The sufferings of this present world are not to be compared to the glory which will follow (Romans 8:18).

In an uncertain world, of this fact you can be absolutely certain: The Lord loves you; He has only your best interest at heart, and His right arm of omnipotence will protect you from all ills which are not part of His perfect will for your life!

Marv Rosenthal, founder and President of Zion's Hope, has been an acclaimed international Bible teacher for more than five decades.