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Who is zion's Hope

Zion’s Hope is a Bible-based ministry whose purpose is to proclaim to Jewish and Gentile people throughout the world their need for salvation through Jesus, the Messiah of Israel. We’re also committed to helping Christians grow in their understanding of biblical prophecy and the importance of Israel in God’s plan for the Last Days. To that end, we teach Scripture in the historical, geographical, and cultural context to prepare God’s people for end-time events and the return of Jesus Christ.


Explore a wealth of biblically grounded resources to deepen your understanding of Scripture and its relevance to today. From Zion's Fire, our internationally recognized publication, to our extensive video and article libraries, we offer teachings that cover topics such as eschatology, geo-prophecy, apologetics, and more. Whether you're seeking insightful articles, in-depth video series, or unique perspectives on God’s Word, this section is designed to equip and inspire believers to continue their discipleship and growth in their faith.

Zion's Fire Magazine

Zion's Fire Magazine is a subscription based publication that features insightful teachings, devotions, ministry updates and opportunities, and our sought after geo-prophecy reports that apply Biblical study and understanding to world events. Zion's Fire has reached readers around the world. To activate your subscription, just click the link below. You can also enjoy some of the articles below and in our blog from our archived issues. 


Red Heifers and the Fight for Al-Aqsa
February 5th, 2025
A very important, but under-reported fact related to the attack was that Hamas’ leaders chose to name their operation “Al-Aqsa Flood.” Al-Aqsa is the name of the Islamic gray-domed mosque located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem....
The Qatar Connection: Hamas, College Campus Protests, and the Muslim Brotherhood
February 5th, 2025
For decades, American universities have received vast sums of money from political activists, corporate billionaires, and globalist foundations. But what has largely been ignored until now has been the enormous flow of money from authoritarian Arab-Muslim nations within the Middle East into our universities....
Crescent of Fire
February 5th, 2025
The flames of Iranian military power and Islamic extremism threaten to engulf Israel in the inferno of a wide-scale war.Iran’s Ayatollah Khomenei and Islamic religious leaders are on a warpath to make Israel pay a heavy price for the recent assassination of Hamas’s top political leader, Ismail Haniyeh – something for which Israel has yet to officially claim responsibility. Haniyeh’s shocking death...
Rapture & Wrath: Ready or Not
January 31st, 2025
Part 1 In this series of articles entitled “Rapture & Wrath: Ready or Not?” we focus on the sequence and chronology of events occurring during the future time found in Scripture known as the “Seventieth Week,” which is outlined briefly in the Book of Daniel. You may be familiar with this future period by its common name, “the Tribulation.” However, this widely-used designation is biblically incorr...


President Trump recently made several startling announcements regarding Gaza and what will occur there. Was he just being sensationalistic, or was their definitive, "facts-on-the-ground," framework, and context behind his statements. Find out as Zion's Hope President David Rosenthal takes us through the President's thinking in, "Grappling with Gaza."
Upcoming Events

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel,  for it is the power of God for salvation to
everyone who believes..."

Romans 1:16

The Hope

If ever the name of a ministry organization matched its focus, then “Zion’s Hope” fits perfectly. The name “Zion’s Hope” ideally reflects the ministry’s purpose which is to fervently, yet graciously, share the Good News of Jesus, the Messiah, with Jewish people in Israel, the United States, and around the world.


Key to the mission of Zion’s Hope are its ministry partners. Our full-time outreach and ministry partners utilize a variety of methods to deliver the Good News of The Scriptures to various regions of the world through servant ministry. 

Servant's Heart

Each year Zion’s Hope hosts at least one short-term ministry trip to Israel. This powerful program is designed for volunteers to partner with our ministry staff to meet the spiritual, physical and emotional needs of the Jewish people and others living in the land. Through service and various ministry projects, our teams are able to bless the people of Israel through ministry and service.

Ministry Opportunities

Zion’s Hope is actively looking for new ministry partnerships with highly qualified individuals. Candidates must show strong discipleship, a theologically sound understanding of God’s Word, and a passion to reach the lost.

Who We Are

Zion's Hope is a Bible-centered ministry dedicated to proclaiming the truth of Jesus as the Messiah of Israel and the World. We are passionate about sharing the gospel with both Jewish and Gentile audiences and helping believers grow in their understanding of God’s Word, His prophetic plan, and the vital role of Israel in the fulfillment of His purposes.

What We Do

Using multiple outlets Zion's Hope shares the message of salvation through Jesus, the Messiah, with Jewish and Gentile people worldwide. We provide Bible-based teaching, missions, Holy Land tours and resources that deepen understanding of Scripture while equipping believers to navigate and prepare for end-time events with faith and confidence.

What's Different

Zion's Hope uniquely proclaims salvation through Jesus the Messiah while emphasizing the significance of Israel in God's prophetic plan. By teaching Scripture in its historical, geographical, and cultural context, we equip believers with a deep understanding of biblical prophecy and prepare them for the return of Jesus Christ.

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