An Invitation From David Rosenthal
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With Love - From Bethlehem

Dear Beloved Friend,

As I study the prophetic Scriptures and see dramatic changes occurring across the Middle East in rapid-fire succession, I am increasingly convinced we are rocketing toward the end of the age and the 70th Week of Daniel.

It's imperative that God's people not be caught off-guard and unprepared for the emergence of the Antichrist. DescriptionBelievers must be rooted in the enduring truths of His prophetic Word and keep a watchful eye on the momentous events taking place in Israel and throughout the region.

In light of these things, I'd like to enthusiastically invite you to join us for our Things to Come Bible Prophecy Summit taking place later this month. At this full-day conference, we'll cover three key areas of importance:

First, Zion's Hope Bible teacher Bob Hunt and I will teach from the prophetic Scriptures with a specific focus on the chronology and convergence of epic events that will occur prior to the Second Coming of Christ.

Second, we'll be joined by two very special guest speakers from Israel - Victor Kalisher, Director of "The Bible Society", and Pastor Israel Iluz, the dynamic Pastor and Director of "Light of the Galilee".

Victor's ministry is based in Jerusalem, and Pastor Israel's congregation is located in the very north of Israel, only a few miles from the borders with Lebanon and Syria. Both of these ministry leaders will provide valuable insights related to the ongoing war with Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran, and share riveting accounts of their experiences. This will be in-person, firsthand, "front lines" information you won't hear anywhere else.

Third, I'll present vital information often ignored by the mainstream media in my newest Flashpoint 360° GeoProphecy Report. In this session, I'll detail the dramatic changes sweeping across the Middle East, highlight the key economic, geopolitical, and religious factors, and explain the surprising potential prophetic implications of these new developments.

There's more! Our beloved Zion's Hope ministry colleagues from Jerusalem - Joshua Simon, Lisa Shtrambrand, and Alina Theodor - will also join us to host an in-person, virtual tour of some amazing biblical sites in Israel. Joshua and Lisa are both officially-licensed Israeli tour guides who are passionate to share the rich history of each site and bring the Bible to life! This is certain to be an enjoyable and informative experience!

Simply stated, you won't want to miss a minute of our Things to Come Bible Prophecy Summit! It promises to be a dynamic, informative, and enriching conference with insightful speakers, very special guests, delicious food, and warm Christian fellowship. Don't delay! For more information or to purchase tickets online, Click Here or call 1-888-781-9466.

One final note: On the evening prior to the Summit, you're cordially invited to join my wife and me for a Candlelight Dinner Gathering with Zion's Hope colleagues and our special friends from Israel. You'll have the opportunity to fellowship with them and hear their moving personal testimonies in a warm, intimate setting. Seating for this event is very limited and requires a separate ticket which can be purchased online at www.zionshope.org. If you would like to attend both the Candlelight Dinner on January 24th and the Things to Come Summit on January 25th, you may purchase a combination ticket at a significantly reduced price (while seats remain available).

Until He comes,

David Rosenthal
President, Zion's Hope

P.S. It will be an honor and privilege to have you join us for these two very special events. My wife and I hope to see you there!

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