HOW FAITHFUL YOU ARE, OH LORD | מה נאמן אתה אדוני
Music & Lyrics: Yohanan Stanfield and @seangoldberg96
Visual Production: Yoel Davis - Yuval Arts
Lead vocal: Helen Yielma
Audio Production: Tairo Arrabal - Enginear Audio Solutions
Keys: @EmanuelRoroMusic
Music Production & Acoustic guitar: @seangoldberg96
Drums: Matan Goldberg
Bass Guitar: Mark Danuwel
Electric Guitar: Yoni Davis
Violin: Natan Zavodnik
Audience and Choir: graduates of Lech L'cha Israel and guests
Video Filming: Yoel Davis, Eddie Shvartz and Sharon Shachani
Special thanks to "Lech Lcha", Bain Hakolot, Solu and Revive Israel for all the support and help in making this project happen.